Finance automation with SalesTech Enterprise

Finance automation can help streamline your business, this can include due diligence processes from automated underwriting, credit checking and realtime decisioning  on potential customers and integrations.

With SalesTech Enterprise, our finance automation solutions are designed to automate the time-consuming underwriting tasks faced by brokers, lenders, landlords, estate agents and other financial organisations and departments. With the ability to directly integrate with your existing CRMs, systems and processes, SalesTech is designed to efficiently streamline your sales, marketing and underwriting operations.

Automating financial processes will benefit your business

Whether you’re a finance broker, an SME lender or a B2C lending platform, utilising SalesTech’s underwriting automation APIs will streamline your business and help grow your revenue. With SalesTech’s business intelligence-led automation technology taking care of the little things, you can spend your time more efficiently, focusing on growing your business.

Our SalesTech Enterprise solution streamlines complex decisioning processes ensuring that you are able to make hundreds of business decisions in real time. With a highly adaptable platform supporting your business, you can be confident that your automated decisioning platform allows you to adjust and focus on scaling other areas of your business.

Automation Integration

Our experienced team can develop a range of custom finance automation solutions designed to fit your business.

Open Banking

Open banking technology enables you to view customer or applicant bank statements in real time through a simple API integration. With open banking, our automations efficiently and accurately analyse these documents to streamline the underwriting process and can feed the data into a decision engine.

Credit Check Automation

Building credit checking automations and integrations into your business is incredibly useful. Taking data from some of the world’s biggest credit checking agencies, you’ll have highly accurate data at your disposal that our automations can use to assist the underwriting process like never before.

Company Credit Checks graphic

Decision Engines

A decision engine can analyse data from different sources to automate the decision making process. Whether you’re approving someone for a business or consumer loan, a decision engine can be an essential addition to your underwriting arsenal. Highly accurate and fully customisable, our lending decision engine technology is designed to fit your specific needs.

Which sectors can benefit from finance automation?

Finance automation is becoming a bigger part of more and more sectors. From brokers and lenders in the B2B space working with SMEs or larger corporations, to B2C finance platforms. Whatever the space your business is in, if there’s a financial element to your service, finance automation technology is likely to benefit you.

The various applications of SalesTech

Creditsafe business credit

ID Check

Custom online applications

Open Banking

Bank Account Verification

Lead Automation




Marketing Automation



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